Detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine. Detection of a surge in LH indicates upcoming ovulation.
Roughly 17 days before the day your period is supposed to start, use 1 test every day around the same time until you get a positive result, OR use 2 tests (i.e. morning and evening) per day around the same time until you get a positive result.
If it is less than 17 days before your period when you purchase this test kit, wait until your next cycle to use this test, as it may not be accurate.
Detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine. Detection of a surge in LH indicates upcoming ovulation.
Roughly 17 days before the day your period is supposed to start, use 1 test every day around the same time until you get a positive result, OR use 2 tests (i.e. morning and evening) per day around the same time until you get a positive result.
If it is less than 17 days before your period when you purchase this test kit, wait until your next cycle to use this test, as it may not be accurate.
Detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine. Detection of a surge in LH indicates upcoming ovulation.
Roughly 17 days before the day your period is supposed to start, use 1 test every day around the same time until you get a positive result, OR use 2 tests (i.e. morning and evening) per day around the same time until you get a positive result.
If it is less than 17 days before your period when you purchase this test kit, wait until your next cycle to use this test, as it may not be accurate.
Detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine. Detection of a surge in LH indicates upcoming ovulation.
Roughly 17 days before the day your period is supposed to start, use 1 test every day around the same time until you get a positive result, OR use 2 tests (i.e. morning and evening) per day around the same time until you get a positive result.
If it is less than 17 days before your period when you purchase this test kit, wait until your next cycle to use this test, as it may not be accurate.